Saturday, August 16, 2008

Indoor Camp Out

The kids had a camp out in the playroom last night with Auntie Beth. They "roasted marshmallows", did mad libs, and even wrote letters home. They set up a Spiderman tent and made s'mores. Madelyn especially got into it and put up signs everywhere, like "Don't feed the bears!". Below I posted our favorite sign Madelyn did, which I also typed under it.


This letter will talk about the wonders around you. There will be good wonders and bad wonders. Good wonders are for the ones that get scared. If you get scared camp around the good wonders. Signs of good wonders are, rabbits, daisys, and life everywhere. Bad wonders are for ones who are adventurouos. If you aren't scared of anything camp near the bad wonders. Signs of bad wonders are, bears, venius fly traps, and death everywhere you step. Thats all the info you need to know about the woods. Good luck camping!

Park Ranger
(Paper torn at the bottom and is noted as a "bear claw tear")


hillari said...

what a silly girl! That sounds like a fun campout.

brittneyboucha said...

hey holly,
your kids are so big now and totally adorable. we are into busy season here in ct too. FUN ;)

The West Family said...

That sounds like so much fun and very inventive. Hope you know we miss you in the Tolleson Ward. Love the blog and you girl. Movie night anyone???

Chanel said...

HAHAHA. I'm laughing so hard. Love it!

Andrew, Amy, Evelyn& Owen said...

I hope you keep that to show her when she's older! That is so cute!

Summer said...

That sounds like a fun campout! They are so going to miss her, so maybe you and Jared should do a campout downstairs with them...then take a picture! They would think you were the coolest parents ever!