I haven't blogged in a while. Here's what has been going on...

Carson with "New England Patriots" hair on crazy hair day for school.

Both kids on crazy hair day.

Madelyn's awesome hair.

She looked like Rainbow Brite.

Rylie thought it would be cool to put tons of rocks in her shirt, so silly!

Madelyn and Carson's AZ teacher, Mrs. Petersen, visiting us at our new house.

The kids before we decorated our tree.

Skyler, Carson, and Madelyn decorating.

Rylie helping make the tree pretty.

Daddy pitching in.

My kids with our beautiful finished tree.

Madelyn at her school Christmas Concert.

Rylie waiting for the singing to begin.

Rylie, Skyler, and Carson at the concert to support Madelyn.

All of the 5th grade at Prarie Crossing Elementary School.

Madelyn singing.

Rylie with daddy.

Rylie sneaking into mommy's purse!

Madelyn with mommy after the concert. We are so proud of her!
Rylie looks so much like me at her age in the picture where she's sneaking into your purse. It's hit or miss with that one; she's pretty much all Cummings, but the Frost side sneaks in from time to time.
Hooray! New pictures! :) It looks like you guys are doing great up there. We miss you!
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